Open up to your deepest gifts.
Channel is an 8-week course, led by Jocelyn K. Glei, about connecting to your creative life force in a new way — one that empowers you to tune into inspiration, drop into flow, and manifest your creative vision with ease.

What if connecting to your creativity could be fluid, joyful, and fun again?
The key is receptivity. If you reflect back on your own personal experience, I have no doubt you’ll find that your best insights have always arrived when you were in a relaxed, receptive state. Maybe you were taking a shower, out on a run, or just waking up from a nap. As an intuition researcher once said to me: Your best thoughts don’t come when you demand them.
But demand we do. The entire premise of grind culture is to always demand more from yourself — to push harder, to work longer, to wring out just a little bit more effort. And, unfortunately, our creativity is not immune to the influence of this extractive ethos. We believe that if we buckle down and put our noses to the grindstone, we can make inspiration happen. That the muse is just another aspect of ourselves to be controlled, subjugated, and sucked dry.
But what if we could dance with our creative life force, rather than trying to drain it dry? What if we learned how to relate to our creativity not from a place of grasping and extraction, but from a place of receptivity? What if we could connect with the muse in a way that felt more free, more fluid, more playful, more joyful?
Attuning to that vital connection is what CHANNEL is all about — learning how to work with rather than against our natural creative flow so that we can create with ease and joy.

Jocelyn walks you through her vision for CHANNEL, and how it can help you build a new relationship to your creativity.

Li'l Jocelyn. Remember when creativity was playful and fun and easy?
Tune into this 9-minute audio clip for a personal tour of what CHANNEL offers & what it can do for you, including:
- How to move from "disciplined agony" to "fluid receptivity" in your creative process
- An overview of the course's content themes, core components, and how it will unfold
- How we will create "practice spaces" for creative flow as we move through the course
- Who CHANNEL is a good fit for
“Opening to receptivity & flow.”
The CHANNEL course is currently closed.
To be notified when the course re-opens for registration & get a sweet discount, please sign up for my email list.
As the 8-week program unfolds, we will gather once a week to explore how to lean into deeper creative insight and flow. The gatherings will alternate between sessions that are focused on engaging with new ideas & tools — which will be talks & meditations — and sessions that are focused on practicing leaning into creative flow — which will be co-creation sessions.
This alternating structure is deliberate — I want the course to be evenly balanced between learning new concepts and then practicing those concepts. It’s one thing to talk about creative flow, and it’s another thing entirely to feel it. And as you move through CHANNEL, I want you to become very familiar with what that flow feels like so that you can drop into it again and again.
Talks & Guided Meditations (90 min)
We’ll meet every other week for a talk from Jocelyn to discuss new ideas and tools that can enhance your creative flow. (You can see a list of the themes we will be exploring below.) Each talk will be followed by a short, guided meditation to assist you in synthesizing the new concepts on a deeper, bodily level.
Co-Creation Sessions (120 mins, easy-come, easy-go participation policy)
Each co-creation session will kick off with a brief micro-talk from Jocelyn; then she will lead the group through a guided meditation specifically designed to help you open up a channel to creative flow.
Once the channel is open, Jocelyn will hold space for the group and field questions as everyone works on their projects.
Co-creation sessions will be run on an “easy-come, easy-go” policy. You can feel free to attend the whole session, or you can show up for a bit and then go walk your dog and come back, or you can pop in for an hour and then leave. It's all about engaging in a way that is supportive of you, your schedule, and your flow.
Channeling Rituals
Each talk will be accompanied by a “channeling ritual” that is designed to help you practice and integrate the new concepts being shared. The rituals are embodied, creative actions that assist in translating ideas from the abstract, intellectual mind into the tangible, physical world.
Journal Prompts
Jocelyn will share a new journal prompt every other week in advance of the co-creation sessions. Each prompt will be an invitation to move into deeper exploration of your relationship to creative insight and flow.
Community Space
Our primary communication channel will be an online community forum, where you will have free rein to start discussion threads, share reflections, and connect with fellow students. This is also where Jocelyn will share all course updates, recordings, journal prompts, and more.
Journey Groups
Journey groups are small gatherings of 4-6 folks who meet regularly during the course to share notes, swap ideas, and lend each other mutual support. BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ affinity groups will be offered, assuming there is enough interest. Journey group participation is optional, and offered for those who feel anchored and excited by additional connection.

Throughout the talks, co-creation sessions, meditations, and rituals, we will be exploring a variety of themes related to connecting more deeply to your own creative insight and flow, including:

- How to be in conversation with your creative life force and consistently create space & structures for insight to flow into
- How attuning to the rhythms and seasons of your creative process can help you build more confidence and flow
- Why movement plays such a crucial role in creative thinking and how connecting to your physicality can open up more possibilities for insight
- How to generate momentum and motivation by keying into the feedback loops and interactions that nourish you
- How cultivating an understanding of what you are striving to heal through your creative endeavors can point you toward a deeper understanding of your gifts
- How to commit to yourself and your creativity in practical, daily ways that help you cultivate more spaciousness and flow
The CHANNEL course is currently closed.
To be notified when the course re-opens for registration & get a sweet discount, please sign up for my email list.
Do I have to be a “creative,” or working on a creative project, to participate?

Channel is open to, and designed for, anyone who wants to develop a deeper connection to their own inspiration, vision, and flow. No qualifications are necessary besides being a curious human.
If you don't have a creative project on hand, the co-creation sessions will be about cultivating a practice of being in connection with your creativity and/or working on your creative vision for whatever is next (e.g. transitioning into a new job, writing marketing copy for your website, envisioning an upcoming adventure or trip).

Who is the course for?
CHANNEL is aligned for you if:
- You're in a transitional moment and you're seeking new inspiration about the way forward
- You're working on a project that could benefit from more creative insight & flow
- You have an existing creative practice and would like to invite more receptivity, spaciousness, and flow into your process
- You are generally interested in cultivating more receptivity and creativity in your life

Hi, I’m Jocelyn, host of the Hurry Slowly podcast and creator of the CHANNEL course.

As I engaged with the creation process for all of these things — websites, books, conferences, podcasts, courses, talks, energy meditations — my creative practice has always been, and continues to be, a work in progress. It is startling to me, for instance, how much my writing process and my speaking ability have evolved over the past few years — how much more fluid they have become. And that evolution has been entirely due to a deep psycho-spiritual excavation of how I relate to myself, how I motivate myself, and the energy I bring to my creative process.
With CHANNEL, I am excited to share the wealth of insights and tools that emerged from that "excavation," and to help you soften into a friendlier, more joyous relationship with your creativity.
Why I'm a trustworthy guide:
Over the past five years, I have taught thousands of individuals across various programs. Here are a few of the kind words they have shared about their experiences.
“Hand on heart, life is better after this course. I wouldn’t have thought an online experience could be so connecting and intimate and alive and fun.”
—Alice R.—
“This course came at the perfect time for me. The tools I gained have helped me create a new vision for myself. I’m excited and optimistic for the first time in years.”
—Karoline S.—
“After taking Jocelyn's course, I am feeling more tenderness, acceptance, and a kind of zingy new energy. There is much more love and sweetness in my inner dialog. It was a game changer.”
—Zoë S.—
“Jocelyn brings a great deal of vulnerability to her communities — her gatherings always feel very welcoming to me.”
—Francesca B.—
“This is the best course I’ve ever taken. I feel the effects will be far-reaching and long-lasting. It has been transformational and helped me heal.”
—Cara L.—
“I can’t thank Jocelyn enough for this experience, it has truly and deeply changed me in ways I had never thought of before. It will have some really long-lasting effects on how I live my life, run my business, and raise my children.”
—Anna M.—
“Jocelyn’s courses talk to your brain and your soul, and you are guided to come up with the answers to what works for you. After taking this course, I am learning to trust myself to relinquish micromanaging my work, which ironically, is allowing it to be more productive as well as pleasurable.”
—Lee B.—
“I trust and appreciate Jocelyn as someone who can guide me closer to myself — and as someone to help me navigate this world. It’s not possible to fully describe what this course has meant to me, but I will say it truly has been a life-changing experience.”
—Ashley B.—
“This course is the most humanistic method for professional development that I have ever experienced. It brought me energy and calm by reminding me of how much power we already possess.”
—Jesse C.—
The CHANNEL course is currently closed.
To be notified when the course re-opens for registration & get a sweet discount, please sign up for my email list.
Still have questions?
If you're still not sure if CHANNEL is the right fit for you, and there's something you need clarity on, don't hesitate to drop me an email at hello@jkg.co. I'm always happy to give you an honest answer.
Are you ready to connect to your creative life force in a new way?